Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Baby belly and update

These photos are for my baby sister and any other curious friends who wants to see the baby bump that I have already grown. It seems I call Abbey on a daily basis for Dr. Abbey advice on medications and  for a little moral support.  It's great to have a pharmacist in the family! I've been sharing how quickly this baby has grown and she asked me to put some picture up.

People have already started to notice and make comments. A woman at the park recently asked me a question related to pregnancy after seeming my bump. I thought I had it well hidden under my jacket, but I guess not. :)

Many people have asked if it's twins and the answer is still no, I'm just big I reply. I haven't gained any weight. I still weigh what I did before I got pregnant. I would gladly put on a few more pounds if it meant I didn't have to be sick everyday.

 Many fellow moms have offered words of encouragement. Those who have had lots of kids in a short amount of time tell me showing quickly is just part of the joys of third pregnancies. It's like your body remembers being round and enjoys the less restrictive material that maternity clothes offer. :)


So I'm enjoying these days and my growing roundness because it is continual proof of God's blessing on me and our family. These days will pass quickly and I'll forget all the morning sickness and the other ills of pregnancy when I get to hold our new son or daughter.

1 comment:

Drea said...

roundness is good :)
with my 3rd i blew up fast too...
way faster than my 1st ones. Its like our uterus just knows what to do! and makes room early.

sorry you feel sick.. Travis told me Larry said you still were.

will say a pray for some relief...
