Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Eden!

This was scheduled to post Friday, but for some reason it didn't. We've been so busy celebrating Eden's Birthday I just noticed. So here is a little look into the past 4 years with Eden.

My sweet little girl is turning 4 today. It's hard to believe how fast she's growing and changing. As I look back over these pictures, I'm reminded of how little she was, how scared Larry and I were to become her parents, how our family was made special by her arrival.

Eden was the answer to many prayers for a child. The feeling of blessing from the Lord still does not escape me as I continue to be thankful for this amazing child to be entrusted to us.

We have a thoughtful, smart, fiesty little girl. She is such a joy. May you have a wonderful birthday little Eden, Momma loves you!


In Everything said...

very sweet:) And love the baby pics from the past:)

Happy 4th birthday!!

Larissa said...

Happy Birthday, Eden!