Thursday, October 13, 2011

Titus Update

I realized I haven't been posting lately, Well that's because life in the Gilbreath home has been very busy. I feel like I'm just now coming out of the survival mode of the newborn days. Eden and Josiah continue to adjust to Titus's arrival. Josiah has had a difficult time the past few weeks. He has become very clingy and not wanting to be out of my sight. He very loving towards Titus. He just wants more of my attention. Eden wants to start school. She has stopped taking naps which is difficult for Mommy. So we try to have quite time during the boys naps. She's been working on pre-K and Kindergarten lessons, and loves learning. I think I'm going to start some kind of official curriculum with her in January. I still need to give myself a little grace in adjusting to life with a newborn.

Speaking of my newborn, My sweet Titus is growing up way to fast. I love this age!  It's the sleeping better, smiling often, still where he was when you left the room age. Titus is doing great. He has been sleeping 6-8 hours at night for the past two weeks. I am so thankful to be getting more rest. A few nights he's woken up around 5:00am, but he's nursed and then gone right back to sleep. He really is a sweet baby :)


Unknown said...

Definitely give yourself some grace! I am impressed that you are already coming out of survival mode! It usually takes me an entire year to come out of survival mode! LOL

In Everything said...

he's adorable;)

And grace is always good.

Drea said...

this is my 1st time seeing his photo. cutie pie :) looks a lot like josiah. hope you are well.