Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sleepy Wraps

Josiah and I were models today. You might even see us in baby magazines. My friend Andrea got me hooked with wearing Josiah. Thanks Andrea! I started with ring slings but Josiah quickly outgrew them. He's 16 lbs, 6oz and only 3 months old :)

This is my new favorite thing, It's called a Sleepywrap. It's super comfortable and it keeps my hands free so I can chase after Eden. Josiah loves being in it and close to me. This is the gray one, I also modeled black and a really pretty blue. I got to keep the blue one for being a model. How fun is that!!! I can't wait to show off the blue one; Josiah's eyes look so good in that wrap. He spit up on it and fell asleep while wearing that one. So I figured it was a keeper.

Check out my little thumb sucker :)

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