Monday, June 21, 2010

Do you know what this is?

This is proof of God's love and protection on our family. Last week I went into Eden's room and smelled something bad. Having two toddlers, smelling something bad is part of my daily duty. But this was a different kind of bad. I didn't know what it was and walked out, busy with my daily task. I went back in a few minutes later determined to figure out what was making the smell. I discovered this, Eden's melted nightlight and dress.

Eden's dress had fallen off her changing table and landed on the nightlight. It began to burn and melt. I'm not sure how long it was like that. I think it had just been 45 minutes or so since I had used the changing table for Josiah, but it could have been the night before. I'm not sure how long it takes to melt down plastic like that. When I pulled it out of the wall I was surprised and thankful the light hadn't burst and the dress caught fire.

As you can imagine, I freaked out a little. Then a peace and grateful joy came over me. I can only explain as the "peace that surpasses understanding (Phil 4:4-7)". This was a time in my life when I could clearly see, feel and literally smell God's protection on my family. It stopped me from the busyness of my day and made me examine my life, purpose and priorities.

Larry and I pray daily over our family. Each night I pray for angels of protection to guard my children. It has become such a habit that to see proof of a response woke me up to the reality that God does answer our prayers. Sometimes boldly, sometime with a more gentle hand, but always there is an answer.
This time, I can hold the proof of my answered prayer in my hand. Feeling it's heat, smelling the stench of the melted and burned fabric, I know we were sparred a potentially tragic outcome. I wonder how many other times, how many other accidents have been prevented by God's hand??? It makes me wonder if I and my family keep the angels of protecting busy?
There is a verse in Matthew that that brings me great comfort as a mother. "See to it that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their Angels in Heaven continually see the face of my Father who is in Heaven." (Matt 18:10) Jesus lets the disciples know that the children He uses in his illustration of humbleness have angels that protect them. How amazing is it to know our children have angels that protect them!
So often I let my mind dwell on the what ifs. That night light was right next to Eden's bed. My mother's instinct and paranoia goes into overdrive thinking of what could have happend. I have to choose my battle and tell myself to stop thinking of the what ifs, and instead focus on the what is. When I chose to be faithful instead of imaginative, I can see the situation for what it was, and is, an opportunity to praise God for being my protector and provider. I began to praise God for the blessing of His protection on our family, and our home. God alone is worthy of my worship. Even if there would have been a fire and I lost everything, God is still worth of my worship.
I've come to realize I can not control a lot of what happens to me in this life, but what I can control is my response to it. I can live fearing the what ifs and I can choose to freak out and catastrophize each situation that I face. OR I can choose to worship the Lord in all situations, Living in the spirit of freedom, not timidity that God intended. I choose worship!
This was one of those steps at faith building that the Lord does for me when I need to see Him working in my life. So as I approach things like going to Haiti and facing Eden's heart surgery, I can hold that melted nightlight and remember God's protection and acts of love towards my family. I can not control what happens in Haiti or with Eden's surgery, but I can battle my fear and chose to walk in Faith trusting God to take care of me. I'm also praying He sends a few extra Angels with us to Haiti :)

To PawPaw with Love :)

I want to wish my Daddy a very happy Father's day. I am the woman I am today because of the influence you had on my life. Your love for the Lord and our family has been a wonderful example of Christ's love. I miss you so very much and look forward to seeing you soon.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ode to My Babies' Daddy

I had such a wonderful time looking through 3 years worth of pictures, picking out Daddy photos for Father's day. There were hundreds of pictures of Larry being an amazing Daddy, but these captured what I wanted to get across.

You see, I never thought we would be parents so soon into our marriage. In fact, I didn't think we would be parents until years into to our marriage. I was told I couldn't have children in my early 20's. I knew adoption would be the only way we could have a family and most agencies have requirements that you be married 3-5 years before they will place a child with you.

So you can imagine our surprise when 4 months after we were married, 5 pregnancy tests revealed that we were going to be parents sooner then we thought. I blame Larry for it. :) He started praying on our wedding night that God would bless us with children. GOD did! 19 months later He did it again! :)

For a man who had never changed a diaper before Eden's, He learned quickly. I was so impressed with how gentle he was and how much Larry wanted to be supportive. Nursing Eden and Josiah was very difficult in the beginning. Larry was right by my side, encouraging me. We teased that between the two pregnancies, Larry could have become a lactation consultant with all he had to learn to help me. He knows more about Breastfeeding, pregnancy and delivery than any man should :)

And he's great with our kids! As he awaits the time when Josiah and Eden will be big enough that they can turn our living room into a WWF practice rink, he is teaching them how to play and have fun. Thanks to Larry, We have horsie rides in the living room and the tickle monster is never far from striking laughter into a boring situation.

And for some strange reason, Larry's voice and commands receive much better and faster obedience than mine does??!!! Maybe it's because they hear me all day long, but our children are so eager to please their daddy. I think it demonstrates their great respect for their father even at this young age.

You would think as small as Eden was this was the first time Larry Read scripture over her, But it wasn't. He read it over her while she was in the womb. She must have known her Daddy's voice, because she would always calm down when he read the Bible to her.

This is right after Josiah was born.
The mess didn't stop daddy from being as actively involved as he could.

My Cute Men!

Eden's first time at the beach. She did NOT want her feet in the water.
She crawled up her daddy and remained in his arms the rest of the time.

I love Larry's big hand on Eden's little back. He is such a wonderful protector of his little girl.
I pity the men who try to pursue her in the future :)

Walking with Daddy.

Man time
Teaching Josiah the importance of ACC Basketball!
If Only I can teach him to cheer for FSU!
You can't tell in this photo but they fell asleep together watching the game. So CUTE!

Happy Father's day to the best man I could have ever chosen to raise children with. I believe God blessed me because of you and your faith. Your calm nature and love for fun was the perfect basis to start this family. I am so proud of the way you father our children, Treating them with love and respect, guiding them into a relationship with the Lord. I pray God continues to bless and strengthen you and hopefully will allow us to have more children in the future.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Eden :)

I can't believe that my baby girl has turned 3. Eden is an amazing child, full of spunk and love. I am constantly amazed at how smart she is and how politely she speaks. She's a thoughtful child. Some of the things that come out of her mouth melt my heart, other stuff makes me laugh so hard I cry. The wheels of her mind are constantly running and she wants to conquer life "all by MYSELF!"

Eden is so much fun! She's a wonderful combination of pixie fairy and Energizer bunny. She's a total girly girl which makes her momma proud. She stands on her tip toes to go everywhere and loves purses, shoes, baby dolls and anything to do with Dora and Tinkerbell. She loves to learn and read. Each night she lays in bed she talks herself to sleep by singing or reading books to her baby dolls. Sometimes I listen to see what going through that mind of hers.

I recently asked Eden what she wanted to be when she grew up and she said, "a Mommy, and a ballerina doctor." I said that sounded like a lot of fun and that Daddy and I needed to start putting away money for school. Maybe we'll get her in some ballerina classes for fun too. I can only imagine how cute she'll be at her first recital. It seems just the other day we were bringing her home form the hospital. 3 years have passed so quickly, I can only imagine how quickly the next 15 will fly by.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Playday Every Day

Today I took my camera out, dusted it off and took it outside with the kids to capture some of our fun. We've been super busy the past few days and will pick up the speed in the months to come. Josiah has been sick. I'm sad that he's been sick , but we've had some sweet cuddling time lately. He's always loved snuggling before bed time and naps, but since he's been able to walk, he's stays busy. These past few days, he hasn't wanted me to put him down. I think he would be quit content to be held all day if I had the time and strength. I took him to the doctor on Sunday and he weighed in at 28 lbs! He's my little whopper :)

So getting outside was a fun, even though Josiah wanted to come in a nap shortly afterwards. He's been such a trooper.

Here are a few of my favorites from today :)

You can tell Josiah wasn't feeling very well. It's all in the eyes.

My children can find water and messes anywhere! Most of the time I let them enjoy them. Some times I even join in with them. That's why we say we have play days everyday :)

This is our cats' water dish. Sampson is looking at them like OK guys.... I'd like a drink, but not a bath!