Friday, June 22, 2012

Eden's 5th Birthday List

My sweet baby girl is no longer a baby. She is growing so fast. I looked at her the other day and caught a glimpse of the young lady she is becoming.

Recently, I found a list of questions that you ask your children each year on their birthdays. You can see how your child grows and changes during the years, yet some thing might always stay the same.

Here is the list and Eden's answers :)

1. What is your favorite color? Pink
2. What is your favorite toy? My Baby dolls
3. What is your favorite fruit? Bananas, Blueberries and Apples
4. What is your favorite TV show? Doc McStuffins
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?
Peanut Butter and Jelly
6. What is your favorite outfit? Dresses
7. What is your favorite game? Tag
8. What is your favorite snack? Ham and Cheese
9. What is your favorite animal? A cat and a puppy
10. What is your favorite song? I'm a little Acorn
11. What is your favorite book? Princesses Books
12. Who is your best friend? Karley, Brielle, and  Meredith
13. What is your favorite cereal? Mini Wheets with the fruit
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Swing on the swing set, jump on the trampoline, and play basketball
15. What is your favorite drink? Pink Lemonade
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? My new baby doll
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Cereal, and oatmeal
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Hot dogs,  and Cheetos
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A hair cutter cardiologist

1 comment:

Steven and Candi Manning said...

How great to see her little personality! I love that she mentioned Meredith as one of her best friends and the hair cutter cardiologist sounds awesome:)