Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saying Goodbye

It’s hard to believe these were taken just a few months ago. My Granny came up with my parents to celebrate Josiah’s 2nd Birthday. This was the first time she had come to visit since we’ve moved to Williamston. It was wonderful to be able to show her our life and ministry, and for my children to get to know her.

My Granny is dying. She will leave the hospital today with Hospice care to return home where she wants to be for her final days. As you can imagine, it has been a very difficult time for my family. We are like so many other families who are dealing with aging parents and grandparents. We are trying to make the best decisions for our loved ones, Providing respect and medical care. Praying that their last days could be precious and as pain free as possible.

I have been so in awe of my parents as they have made great sacrifices to care for my Granny and Grandpa these past few months. It has been a labor of love. Many in their generations are currently going through these hard days caring for their aging parents. Watching has been an education of love in action. We are trusting God to give us this day what we can handle. Many days are filled with a mixture of sadness, frustration, fear and glimpses of the great joy that await our loved ones in heaven. I pray for the peace that surpasses all understand to guard my family as we say this slow goodbye.

We will be traveling to Florida this week in hopes that I will be able to say good bye in person. Please pray for us as I’m sure this will be an emotional time.


In Everything said...

We'll be praying for you!! For peace and comfort and traveling mercies!

Steven and Candi Manning said...

I'll be praying for you Angela. My heart aches for your sadness, but I'm thankful that you have such sweet memories of your Granny.

Harriet said...

I saw your dad in the cafeteria at TMH and he told me about your grandmother. So sorry to hear about her decline.

We were at the hospital to welcome our new granddaughters.

Daddy is now living at Mama's house due to his Alzheimer's. Some days he doesn't seem like he will make it another week and others he seems like he might go on for months.

It is difficult watching a person who was once so strong become weak. They are truly "the least of these". And I know God has special blessings for the ones who care for them.P